“Helping the lost become saved and the saved strengthened!”
The Deacons serve as spiritual leaders of the church to help, share, and care for the people of The Mannor Baptist Church congregation. We believe Jesus is the head of the church and we recognize that the Pastor is the under shepherd of the congregation. As deacons, we follow the pastor’s leadership as he follows God’s plan. The deacons humbly function as partners to the pastor in carrying out the missions of spiritual growth and development of the church body. Striving to maintain a close relationship with the pastor and church ministries, the deacons promote harmony among the congregation. 1st Timothy 3:8-13 Acts 6:3
Donald Turner Senior Chairman of the Deacon Ministry
As spiritual leaders of the church our goal is to help, share, and care for people. To help meet the spiritual needs of the sick and Shut-in, through prayer, home visits and hospital visits.
The Mission of the Manor Music Ministries is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ, lead the congregation in worship, and provide an avenue through which individuals may be an integral part of the worship. Through the Music and Worship Ministry, the members of the various choirs actively engage in praising God in song with hymns, anthems, spirituals, gospels, and contemporary music. By praising God through Music and the Arts, the members of the Sanctuary Choir, Male Chorus, Children and Youth Choir and the Christians in Action Choir encourage others to accept Christ through worship and music.
We’re called as followers of Christ to share His message of hope and love, and to lead others to a life-changing personal relationship with Him. “The Great Commission” Matthew 28:19,20 “Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things as I have commanded you”.
The Evangelism and Mission Ministry works to support a dedicated group of men and women called missionaries by personal visitation or financial sponsorship. We aim to establish churches where they have not been established and promote evangelism both personal and congregational throughout the world. the vision of Manor Baptist Church is to Evangelize from every language, people, tribe and nation, knowing and worshipping our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Resources in CP Stories
CP Stories—a missions resource showing the local, national, and global impact of the Cooperative Program—is a weekly journal and prayer guide for churches, which tells of missions work of the International Mission Board (IMB), the North American Mission Board (NAMB), and state conventions.
World Vision Our Work | World Vision
MISSION STATEMENT: Provide an opportunity for young women within the church to study and be trained in missions that will enable them to carry out the Great Commission.
PURPOSE: Encourages unity and cooperation among the women of the church. The members participate in missionary efforts. They provide emotional and spiritual support to members with health, financial problems, etc. They encourage young women to participate in Bible Study, Church School and other educational programs of the church.
Our mission is to foster and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. By Providing sound teachings of our Lord and Savior faith-based teachings and guidance.
The Purpose of the Children, Youth and young adult Ministry is to strive to draw our children and youth to responsible participation in church, our communities and in life. To foster personal and spiritual growth. Equipping them with knowledge and skills to always trust God, add positive values and help them apply faith to daily life experiences.
The mission of the Manor Baptist Church Trustee Ministry is to function as stewards of the church finances, the management of the church’s assets and the maintenance of God’s house of worship and its church owned properties.
1st Peter 4:10